Tuesday, August 26, 2008

east-siders unite!!!

just came out of the shower & omg...i feel like dying on my bed! but there's a very important email from a certain someone that i have to reply to.....

choir ended early today...but early is subjective and it ended at 9 pm. while that is still okay, it takes me 2 hours to get home... but what always makes me feel better is meeting people who also live in the East!! and today i met Ling, who stays in Tampines too =D and she is likeable and funny! so...yes i'm very happy =D

oh, i've side-tracked!! i was going to blog about choir...anyways...they sing quite a lot of Latin songs so that's not so good, but i guess it improves my technical stuff. hope they sing more contemporary pieces like the one by vaughan williams =D that is our Choir Anthem!!! maybe we should design a Choir Flag too...oh i side-tracked again. what i really want to talk about is the fact that...

our conductor is NELSON KWEI!!! happy happy happy. and he came today!!! heard so much about how genius he is...and in person, he's just really friendly & witty. don't you just love to see qualities like that in people who have rose to the top of their professional circle? and i love how he manages to incorporate stiff theoretical knowledge into casual language that does not alienate non-music-learners & interests music-learned-ers at the same time. in short, ya, i really admire him!!!

oh...and Mr. Ong is bringing Amanda, Christy +++ to NUS this Saturday to receive their well-deserved awards!!! anyone is free/wants to come support them?? =DD if you do, call me & i will tell you the details.

tutorials started TODAY...and i have a 4-hour break on Monday!!! CRY.

btw, malu thing #1: i left my handphone in the tutorial room!!!!!!!! had to go back & get it...and the next tutorial had already started.! malu thing #2: i lost my EZ-link card! AGAIN! luckily this very nice aunty lent me $1 to pay the bus fare...

OK...i have to catch some sleep...waking up early tomorrow to go jogging with my favourite aunt =D i actually have time for that because wei ling and her very nice boyfriend will send me to school tomorrow!!!!

that's why i stay in singapore --> people are so nice here!! LOVE MY COUNTRY. MUAH!

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