i wonder if you, like me, sometimes feel like bursting out in song. i know i did that (hopefully not too often) in SSIS, but not here. simply because there are so many people around...it's sad and the cause of it goes right to one of the things i miss most about Shanghai - the familiarity and warmth of our class.
yes, kawaljit you're one of the Most Missed too (:
btw: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEHUI!! good luck in Shanghai ;)) i miss you already.
oh, and i saw some tie-dye/gradient clothes on gojane.com but the designs aren't very nice. like this:

lovely colors, but i wonder if there is a necessity to wear one's heart on one's shirt.
what do you think?? is tie-dye/gradation a good choice?
so we watched CHANGE from 5 pm to 3 am. the dvds have been lying around for some time now because we couldn't find the time for a TV marathon. i wonder why...because it is soo good!!!! kimura is of course very good-looking and any show w/ him as the lead is, of cos, very feel-good!
Asakura Keita bullied by his 5th-grade class. so cute.
Keita as Prime Minister of Japan. plot was so absurd it makes me wonder if it's a lampoon against the almost-hereditary nature of Japanese politics. but as usual, the Japanese made the story flow & the leads look gorgeous.

uh no, Anne Hathway wasn't a guest star. but she looks so good in this photo i had to share.
btw, http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/09/14/tina-fey-sarah-palin-video-clip/ here lies Tina Fey's parody of Sarah Palin. imitation isn't always flattery; you've been forewarned.
if you're American, please please vote for Obama...even if not for the man himself, then at least for the hair-raising fact that Palin will then be "a 72-year-old heart beat away from the most powerful role in the world"
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