Sunday, October 26, 2008
what brandon misses most
ცჱ says:
ცჱ says:
now i am all worked up..
ცჱ says:
ცჱ says:
ცჱ says:
but i dont think u will come..
hahahaha UBC is good because JLOH and Brandon are both there. and jloh's pics are so incredibly enticing!! crunchy leaves and all...
but UBC is like 2nd most competitive exchange destination! will have to work so hard and play so little...
in the meantime, it's so much fun to tease brandon about the food in singapore WAHAHA
ცჱ says:
khong guan, oh, khong guan
scissors, paper, stone
person who wins gets to eat one
"Excessive melamine was found in 18 of 47 biscuits produced by the Khong Guan and Khian Guan brands and they have been ordered removed from the shelves immediately."
what can we actually buy now?
but who cares, just as long as you don't live on them.
i, for one, won't give up my chocolate for anything.
lalala sing a happy song
but when it comes to music, does it really matter?
some people listen only to the most popular songs of the moment and criticise those who listen to oldies as out of their own generation, or out of the world.
others listen only to classics because they adore the exquisity and timelessness of the chords and rhythm. they tend to look down on the current trends, calling them fads or wannabes.
yet other people choose to drown their emotions in loud, angsty music. they don't like the mainstream music - because they consider themselves alternatives, read: unique.
many people are highly selective in their music preferences, conforming to pre-defined conceptions of themselves, the outward appearance of the artistes, the boxed-in classifications of music genres and other factors. most of the time, they don't listen to any music out of their usual range.
but is it all really necessary?
because when one comes down to it, we're just all out to enjoy ourselves to a good beat, beautiful lyrics and pleasing music... why not broaden your horizon and experiment the different styles?
that said, it's not necessary to have to spend the effort to move out of your comfort zone (if you're not already capable of that), since it's something as non-serious as music, after all.
haha random =P
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
i don't believe that life has to be a certain way. don't believe in predetermined goals. don't believe in defining things too specifically.
it's so important to be spontaneous & change your mind when necessary. that's what makes the best decisions & the most interesting lifestyle choices.
and that's what i love about my life now. i haven't decided on my Major...haven't decided on XXX...and the number of possibilities available make me dizzy to think about... but i think that's great - it's what being young entails (:
this week has been awesome!! so freaking slack & fun (: go out with my closest gfs and one guy bff (although i'm going to dump him soon HAHA) movies, go shopping, eat nice food...
yah and House Bunny is just hilarious (: like Legally Blonde, but so much funnier!
Painted Skin is kind of scary, but oh-so-romantic! what would it feel like to be so in love that you'd die for your lover??
bought a lovely dress at Forever 21 with jing wen ((: haven't been shopping like that in sooo long!
the only regret i have is not bringing my camera around =s
note to self: bring camera out to Winnie's birthday! i promise to upload some pix soon so that my blog wouldn't be all words and no images.
got hold of Jay Chou's newest's quite disappointing :( there's only one good song!
hmm...i really want to go to Paris:
The City of Lights

maybe we can go there on Student Exchange Program... hmmm...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
sing & laugh to your heart's content.
i hope you haven't lost hope on this blog just because i haven't been blogging very frequently. i've just been so busy!
but hey, mid-terms are over!!! it's a champagne-popping moment. i also promise to blog more often. please help to pray that the tutors go easier on us.
seriously, all those people who say freshman year is a breeze after high school is either telling a big fat lie or not familiar with NUS bizad curriculum. we're so busy, it's not even funny anymore! pfffft =s
btw, last night's Jesuit Refugee Services concert was awesome (: i think we could have done better with O Magnum but Gloria and Requiem were so much better than they were during rehearsals! nothing to say for Ecce because though nice, it's veeerrrryyy slow & honestly bores me out. but overall, proud to say that i am a part of NUS Choir.
pictures will be up soon after my friends have uploaded them (:
regarding matters of the heart, there's been so many situations where i've decided to stay on the safe side of things - simply because i can't fully grasp the alternative. it means i haven't done things that i regret but i have not taken chances and on hindsight, i don't know if i made the right choice... how much is enough to spur on a leap of faith?
anyhow, i'm looking forward to this

chick flick in its pinkest shade. hope it doesn't let us down tomorrow (:
have you watched any nice movies lately? any recommendations? (:
have a fantabulous weekend!
che min
happy birthday my dear!!
although this is 2 days late, but you know i meant to blog on the day itself! (ok, not really, but i did sing that to you on the phone OK!!!)
hahahaha and uncle, sorry for calling at such an ungodly hour. i honestly forgot about the time difference.
too lazy to put links at the sidebar, but very interesting blog here ->
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
singing puts me on a high. btw, would you wear your heart on your shirt?
i wonder if you, like me, sometimes feel like bursting out in song. i know i did that (hopefully not too often) in SSIS, but not here. simply because there are so many people's sad and the cause of it goes right to one of the things i miss most about Shanghai - the familiarity and warmth of our class.
yes, kawaljit you're one of the Most Missed too (:
btw: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEHUI!! good luck in Shanghai ;)) i miss you already.
oh, and i saw some tie-dye/gradient clothes on but the designs aren't very nice. like this:

lovely colors, but i wonder if there is a necessity to wear one's heart on one's shirt.
what do you think?? is tie-dye/gradation a good choice?
so we watched CHANGE from 5 pm to 3 am. the dvds have been lying around for some time now because we couldn't find the time for a TV marathon. i wonder why...because it is soo good!!!! kimura is of course very good-looking and any show w/ him as the lead is, of cos, very feel-good!
Asakura Keita bullied by his 5th-grade class. so cute.
Keita as Prime Minister of Japan. plot was so absurd it makes me wonder if it's a lampoon against the almost-hereditary nature of Japanese politics. but as usual, the Japanese made the story flow & the leads look gorgeous.

uh no, Anne Hathway wasn't a guest star. but she looks so good in this photo i had to share.
btw, here lies Tina Fey's parody of Sarah Palin. imitation isn't always flattery; you've been forewarned.
if you're American, please please vote for Obama...even if not for the man himself, then at least for the hair-raising fact that Palin will then be "a 72-year-old heart beat away from the most powerful role in the world"
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
road trip - in singapore! (:
just like when i was little, and my dad brought us on little road trips every weekend (:
today, i realised singapore has a lot of potential for tourism-related development.
Mt Faber, with the cable cars and pretty greenery, has the potential to become the equivalent of The Peak in Hong Kong. with some exclusive residential estates, high-class bars and modern landscaping, Mt. Faber can become so much more!!!
& then, Kranji has the resources to turn into something like Perth's renowned Margaret River. there were so many cockles to be caught (: slow-moving getty, organic farms, lots of untouched forest land......why not have a mini back-to-nature respite in Singapore? then we wouldn't need to go to Malaysia or Indonesia for those weekend getaways.
read this article a few months ago about how singapore lacks A New Singapore Story to lure investors. Ecotourism and/or a more vibrant nightlife could be the answer.
btw, saw soooo many indian foreign workers watching/playing cricket at Boon Lay today. also passed by several workers' quarters in the day. the quarters are placed really out-of-the-way...not like serangoon gardens proposal.
wonder how the foreign workers feel, to be so ostracised?
seeing the hordes of people speaking in a different language, obviously of a different lifestyle and mindset...i felt quite overwhelmed. with them so entirely disintegrated from everyone else, are foreign workers a social bomb waiting to explode?
vanilla swiss roll + strawberry juice = a fresh, sweet start to a *holiday*
since i've never tried anything like it, i sent my resume and photographs in.. and got an email telling me to come downtown for Casting on friday afternoon! (:
i was getting all happy, before i realised i have classes on all timeslots offered :(
oh well... i forgot to think about the BRACES anyway!
anyway, my gfs and i have been lusting after this beautiful restaurant:
shhh - let's meet at the Secret Garden