if you happen to be my mother (hi mom, i know you read my blog!) or a very caring friend, you may be thinking: what the hell is she doing? isn't she supposed to be mugging? well, i swear i will be off in...10 minutes time. Umm actually, how about 15?
anyway, i just cannot wait for tomorrow's long-awaited manicure with dear Jing Wen & dinner with Michelle whom i'm so excited to be finally meeting again!! (: (:
and then, there's KTV and carolling on saturday, my grandpa's death anniversary on sunday (i think it's glorious to pay tribute every year, because it's like meditating on the loss while having some semblance of the person's presence - a good way to approach it. i'm tempted to go on, but i should probably time this musing for some other day.)
there's just so many things i can/wish to do this holidays!
oh, my BFF is going to prison!!! not literally, but as in NS =P do you guys have any ideas how to send him off?? because hx and i were thinking of asking him for ideas. but knowing his i-am-a-party-animal-with-no-boundaries nature, i'm quite apprehensive of just doing whatever Tsu Ern says.
i'm cooking cream teddy bears for lunch. do you want some too? (:
btw, i just can't wait for this movie to come out. it's only the big-screen adaptation of my favourite book of all time - The Time Traveller's Wife.
the movie release dates are not out yet, but i'm pretty glad with the casting - Eric Bana (who was superb in that show with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman. I cannot recall the name!!!) and Rachel McAdam (gorgeous!!)
the promo posters aren't released either, but do read this book!! it's a darling that will definitely make your holidays feel lovelier and warmer.

In the meantime, Happy Holidays!!
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